Sponsor Classes Anywhere

Our instructors are willing to travel to bring classes to new areas. If you want to sponsor a class in your area, contact the American Bowen Academy Secretary, or a particular instructor for further information. Remuneration is negotiated with the instructor for the class.

American Bowen Academy Class Coordinator Guidelines

  • Ask the instructor about the acceptable minimum and maximum attendance.
  • Determine a registration cut-off date with the instructor. (Academy policy is two weeks.)
  • Maintain a list of all students’ current contact information and give a copy to the instructor.
  • Before the class email the attendance list to the Academy Secretary. She will check to ensure that attendees are eligible to attend.
  • Send the final attendance list to the Academy Secretary.
  • Coordinators are responsible for collecting deposits due prior to class and sometimes for the final payments.
  • Ask the Instructor if s/he would like you to be responsible for collecting some, or all, of the payments from students.